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Spendet für den Server
Autor: UnDeRDo.G
Datum: 6.11.06 03:32h
Es gibt doch noch etwas positives an diesem furchtbaren Herbst zu verkünden und zwar die Herbst-Angebote von go2gameserver

Dort könnten wir für 7,90€ im Monat einen Clan Server und einen weiteren Teamspeak Server bekommen, so wie ein wenig Webspace!

Deshalb hat sich die Admin-Riege überlegt, ein Spendenkonto einzurichten, welches ihr hier finden könnt, wir halten euch auf dem laufendem was Kosten und Einnahmen betrifft. Aber nun erst mal der Link zum !Spenden!
Diesen findet ihr Links unten!

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#162 am 16.11.2024 um 08:11h
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#161 am 15.11.2024 um 15:06h Kupite resnično, pravno in registrirano slovensko vozniško dovoljenje prek spleta brez izpita in s katero koli kategorijo po vaši izbiri. kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje kupitivoznikodovoljenje
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#160 am 14.11.2024 um 10:16h
This is an exceptional blog post! You've taken a complex topic and explained it in a way that's easy to understand and enjoyable to read. Your writing style is engaging, making it hard to stop reading. The thought and effort you've put into this content are evident, and the value it provides is undeniable. I love how you include practical tips and actionable advice—they're incredibly useful. Your passion for the subject is clear and inspiring. Keep up the great work! I'm eager to read more of your posts and continue learning from your expertise. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge.
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#159 am 14.11.2024 um 08:41h
This post is like a breath of fresh air! Your unique viewpoint adds depth to the topic, and your encouragement for readers to think critically is fantastic. The examples were impactful and relevant. Your passion is unmistakable. I'm excited to see more of your work.
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#158 am 14.11.2024 um 06:05h
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post! You have a real talent for explaining complex topics in a way that's easy to understand. The examples you provided were super helpful and made the content even more engaging. I appreciated the logical flow of the post, which made it easy to follow along without feeling overwhelmed. Your writing is clear, informative, and enjoyable to read. Thanks for putting together such a valuable and insightful post—I'm excited to read more from you!
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